Saturday, January 22, 2011


I just got back from doing some shopping. The conclusion that I have come to is, that you know you are an adult when, (with part of your birthday money) you buy sheets for your bed (thanks again Jake & Katie). But you feel good about it because you got them half off.

Today is Saturday, Ben is down in Green River, (by Moab) doing some Cayoneering for the first time, so I hope he is having fun. I tried to get myself really motivated today to get all kinds of cleaning done and to even get some scrapbooking done. Has any of that happened, yes it has, the cleaning part of it anyway. But not as much as needs to be done. I have enjoyed my laziness.

Thanks for listening to my randomness. Hopefully Ben is getting some good pictures of his trip so that I can post some for you when he gets home.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Glad you found something you need!