Sunday, April 24, 2011


Ben & I just got home from a delicious Easter dinner at his parents house! All the food was delicious.

But now that we are home Ben is out playing his PS3, (playing Nazi Zombi's to be correct; which is a highly addictive game) I started a load of laundry and thought of all the projects that I needed to get done so I closed the door on our spare room; which is the computer and my craft/sewing room. It is a disaster right now. I have a ton of things that I need to get done and a ton of things that I want to do. I guess I need to sit down and make a list of everything I need to get done. It is hard to get motivated when both of my sewing machines are broken. Well I shouldn't say broken one hasn't worked in a while and is in storage, the other that I use regularly needs to go to the Dr. and have a check up. It needs it BAD!!! So maybe this week it will make it in. That will help me get a jump start on my biggest project that I need to get done. It involves the following picture.

(the cream has slight gold sparkles in it; and the brown has small polk a dots of all the other colors).

I make a Rag Quilt for my nieces and nephews when they are born but our sweet niece Paisley gets something special. So I won't be able to post a ton of pictures about it until it is done and Paisley had received her blanket. So the above picture is all you get for now.

All the other projects are just A LOT of little ones that I need to get done. I don't like being unorganized so this week is dedicated to organization so I can get them done!

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